Romeu Gonçalves win Pitch & Putt at Balaia

Carlos Soares Pereira was 3rd and João Madeira Castro was 2nd at game played 30th August 2020

Manuel Jorge win President's Cup

pres 1class mjorge b

Manuel Jorge won President's Cup that was played 15th august at The Old Course with 45 points

pres 2class whalley


David Whalley was 2nd with 42 pointspres 3class alex

Axel Bleymann was 3rd with 39 points

pres drive nina

1st Place at Ladies was Nina Barker with 39 points

pres 2class arminda

2nd Place was Arminda Von Kaenel with 35 points

pres 1gross romeu

1st Place Gross was Romeu Gonçalves with 31 points and with 78 strokes

pres bandeira noor

Nearest to the pin was from the Ladie Noor Thorup at hole 04

pres bandeira rocha

Nearest to the pin was from Carlos Rocha at hole 04

pres 1class nina

Longest drive at Ladies was from Nina Barker at hole 14

pres drive thierry

Longest drive at Man was from Thierry Von Kaenel at hole 14

pres premio aderita

Lowest ponist score was from Aderita Monteiro who made 09

pres premio lopes costa

António Lopes Costa was the winner of Lowest Points Score at Man with 20 points

Beside this prizes was also deliverd pólos and hat's to the players who were present

tacas pres 2

pres premio vicente

pres premio tomaz

pres premio thorwald

pres premio noor

pres premio jacinto

pres premio henriques bone

pres premio doyle

pres premio azevedo

pres premio alves

pres premio adelino bone

taca pres1

There's more photos from the President's Cup

pres ader rom rocha

pres almoco

pres esteves

pres almoco 2

pres gunnar

pres almoco 3

pres henrqiues

pres almoco 4

pres jogo

pres jogo 4

pres jogo 87

pres jogo 5

pres jogo doris

pres jogo 6

tacas pres 4

pres jogo 7 pb

taca pres drive

pres jogo 8

pres jogo arminda

pres jogo 10

pres mesa aderita

pres jogo 11

pres mesa aires

pres jogo 12

pres mesa doris

pres jogo 14 pb

pres mesa azevedo

pres jogo 15

pres mesa mjorge

pres jogo 16 pb

pres mesa noor

pres jogo 17

pres mesa pinto

pres jogo 18 pb

pres mesa valdomero

pres jogo 21

pres valdomero 2

pres jogo 22 pb

pres whalley

pres jogo 86

pres jogo 85

pres jogo 83

pres jogo 82

pres jogo 81 pb

pres jogo 79 pb

pres jogo 78

pres jogo 77 pb

pres jogo 76 pb

pres jogo 75 pb

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pres jogo 70 pb

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pres jogo 54 pb

pres jogo 28

pres jogo 52

pres jogo 30 pb

pres jogo 31

pres jogo 32

pres jogo 38

pres jogo 43

pres jogo 35

Summer School begin at August

Dear parents and students,

Vilamoura Golf Club announces that it will start the Summer School next week.

The only two Dom Pedro golf courses open at the moment, Pinhal and The Old Course, will be in operation at 100% of their schedule as August 1st, allowing us to organize the Summer School in a different way than usual, due to the restrictions that we still have to have due to the pandemic.

Each day of the week will be assigned to a Group duly identified in the calendar below.

As the restriction of 5 students per coach is still in effect, each coach will call 5 students at time for technical instructions, the others await their turn training individually in other training spaces, maintaining the social security spacing, until the trained to call you. Only for the White Group (beginner and younger), we will maintain as usual one hour of class, keeping the class from 9am to 10am and another class from 10am to 11am.


    The Summer School in 2020 is exclusively to students at the Vilamoura Golf Club School;

    - The groups and coaches remain the same;

    - Lessons are at Pinhal, except for the Black Group;

    - Mandatory use of mask inside the club house and WC;

    - Do not touch the sports equipment of colleagues;

    - Use your equipment;

    - The trainer disinfects the equipment of the club before and during the lesson, for the youngest who do not yet have their own equipment;

    - Do not touch the greens' flags;

    - Mark your own card;

    - Maintain mandatory social distance.

The reopening of Dom Pedro Millennium is scheduled for September and we intend to do the following:

    - August - Summer School

    - September - Beginning of the Golf School (month of compensation) - Lessons on Saturdays at Dom Pedro Pinhal and Millennium. Schedules will be announced soon.

Here follows the calendar


calend esc ver 2020


Clube Golfe Vilamoura

Will happen till the end of September








Dear member,

Due to Coronavírus the Vilamoura Golf Club General Assembly will happen till the end of September.

The date will be announced.

Can also see information of Portuguese Golf Federation clicking at this phrase


Competitions canceled at june

Vilamoura Golf Club inform that because the Coronavirus (COVID-19) all the tournaments are canceled during the month of june.

When the situation will be better we will inform when the camps and competitions will be open.



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myFPG - Step by Step Instructions for Players

Can register at and click the england flag to change language. Can introduce scorecards at this site. See information at interior

Dear member,

We provide a set of step-by-step instructions for myFPG.


 – How to Register for myFPG? How to Access? How to update profile data?

 – How to Submit a Score for Handicap?




loule concelho


Junta freguesia quarteira

S Sebastião


Junta freguesia quarteira



Dom jose